You can use stockkeeping units to record information about your items for a specific location or a specific variant code.
Stockkeeping units are a supplement to item cards. They do not replace them, although they are related to them. Stockkeeping units allow you to differentiate information about an item for a specific location, such as a warehouse or distribution center, or a specific variant, such as different shelf numbers and different replenishment information, for the same item.
When you have set up the first stockkeeping unit for an item, the Stockkeeping Unit Exists check box on the Item card is selected.
To create several stockkeeping units for an item, use the Create Stockkeeping Unit batch job.
The information on the Stockkeeping Unit card has priority over the Item card.
How to: Register New Items
Setting Up Warehouse Management
Warehouse Management
Assembly Management
Design Details: Warehouse Management
Working with Dynamics NAV
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